Need a Will in Georgia?
Living in Georgia? Then you need a will in Georgia. The act of drawing up a will is one many people seem to put off for a long time. Unfortunately, many of those people run out of time and pass away before completing an updated will. Someone once said that they only thing certain in life is that it is uncertain. When it comes to waiting to create a will, that guiding rule definitely applies. You never know when tragedy could strike, and it’s important to be prepared, just in case.
The Biggest Myth About Wills
Some people simply don’t draw up wills because they don’t think they need them. They just assume that their spouse or children will inherit their belongings after they pass away. Unfortunately, if there is no will present, often that isn’t the case.
The truth of the matter is that the State can and often will determine what happens to your belongings when you’re gone, if you don’t have a will specifically stipulating who gets what. Even in the best case scenario, your family will have to sort through your belongings and determine what items they each want. That can lead to a lot of stress and family squabbles, all of which could be avoided by having a legal will in place.
The Second Biggest Myth About Wills
The second biggest myth about wills is that you don’t need one if you are a single person with no kids. Chances are that you still have parents, siblings, or at least friends you would like to leave possessions to in the case of your untimely death. After all, everyone wants both their possessions and their friends and family to be taken care of in their absence. So, regardless of your family situation, it is definitely important to have a will drawn up.
Why It’s Important to Have a Legal Professional Help You with Your Will
Now that you understand why it’s important to have a will, you are probably wondering if it’s absolutely necessary to have it prepared by an attorney. Each individual state has its own laws, but generally speaking a will only has to be notarized and signed by witnesses. It doesn’t have to be drawn up by an attorney. Nevertheless, if you want to do it properly and to cover all your bases and leave no question as to your wishes, you should have an attorney assist you.
You see, only an attorney knows just the right wording to use and clauses to include, ensuring your will is crystal clear to the authorities and your beneficiaries. A lawyer can help you to reduce the chances of anyone contesting the contents of your will after you pass away.
When you feel like you are ready to sit down and organize your will, The Law Offices of James T. Johnson will be here to help you. All you have to do is call us at 706-692-7226. We will be happy to help you determine the best way to create a will that reflects all of your final wishes. You will be amazed at how much better you feel when you know that your will is in good order.